Attorney Dan Trimmer will be installed as the President of the Ballantyne Rotary Club for the upcoming 2021-2022 year. Dan is excited to continue and expand the work that the Club has performed to benefit the local community in Charlotte and to construct clean water projects in Haiti.
The Club most recently completed a clean water project in Nicholas Haiti while working with the Rotary Club de Bayonnais (based in Haiti), District 7680 (representing clubs across the Carolinas) and Rotary International. Nicholas is located in the mountains of Haiti. The school at Nicholas had to carry untreated water from a mile away. The water project piped water from a natural source to a newly constructed 13,300 gallon cistern. Before the water is stored, it is now treated with chlorine. The school of 330 and the surrounding community now enjoy clean water.
The Ballantyne Rotary Club is one of many Rotary International Clubs in the Charlotte Mecklenburg Area working to serve others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.